I am going to try to post the other two pictures that are in process. I am still learnig to take photo's and how to make this blog thingy work. Please excuse the mistakes.
The first one is called Stacey's. This is a request by my daughter for a 36" x 48" painting. "whatever you want to do Dad" dangerous words. I do not have a "voice", which means to me paint the same subject the same way, I have a "learning curve". What ever comes into my mind and however it wants to be expressed.
This picture came to me after her request and simple said "I AM THE ONE!". As I said before these painting entities can be quite forceful. The picture came together and gelled in my mind. I usually "see" the picture before it actually starts. This in no way implies that what ends up on the canvas is what I "saw". The picture entity hasn't really become involved. Blame it on the "picture entity" if it goes bad and take all the credit if it goes right. Rrrrright. I will be the first to admit that I have only so much to do with the finished product. I learn technique and such, practice all the time but in the end I simple hold the instrument that renders the finished product. So blame it on the brush!
But anyway, this is the sketch of the picture to be. At this stage I simple move fast and work out the idea. Moving items, trying elements, taking suggestions from the developing entity. I should mention that all my art is done with music. Another blog on that!
The second picture is "Diane enters the Engineering section". 75% done. This is a result at looking at way to much Steampunk stuff. Both me and my wife have become fascinated with this whole concept and art. Most of my art is not "realism" so it was a natural step for me to delve into this. Diane was an entity at the very start. I do not always know the names at the beginning but she was present and accounted for at the beginning of the process. The elements flowed and there have been a few modifications, but the details take hours and hours. An hour a square inch is not unusual depending on all that has to happen to get to what you see. This is also why I work on more than one painting or project at a time. That's another blog.
So watch the process and ask questions and we will see where all this leads to. I love and "adventure". Old saying " the adventure is only an adventure in the telling. The living of the adventure is quite often quite a laborious

Trying to delete this picture. Oh well. More learning curve stuff.
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