Well I hope that this picture is a bit better than the first one of her. Still not that good but better. This is what I say about my paintings while I am working on them. This is also the period between the excitment of the early creation and the close to completed picture. Being an artist is part creative and a lot "stick with it". There are many times when a art project is in this tween stage that it takes a mental "push" to sit down and start working. I always am glad after the fact that I did sit down and work. Once I am started I then slip into the mental quiet of doing art. The mental quiet of doing art is the fasination of watching what ever part you are working on grow and blossom.
In this picture this time it was "3Ding" the gears. I had finished blocking in the picture and had started on the details but the gears were only a flat straight on veiw. I had been working on the details for quite some time and was begging to be very interested in finishing the picture quickly. ( read as taking short cuts and doing a poor job. ie lazy ) I was showing the picture to my wife and explaining the rational for not doing different parts and in her quiet manner that she uses soooooo effectively with me she said " I think I would like it a lot more if the gears had the depth". What did she know, I was the creator, I was the artist, it was my Painting!!!! ( Thoughts in my head which lasted about 1 nano second). The painting was placed to the side so that it would dry before the final details. Each time I came down to my studio my wifes words came to me and then Diane would look at me with that questioning look saying " you would do that to me?" " You are to lazy to finish this right? You do not like me enough to give me a nice place to be in?" Entities can also bagger and nag. I mean whats a person to do? I now had two of the ladies in my life slowly wearing me into submission. Long story short "This" picture in this blog shows that I as an "artist" resisted the temptaion to lower my standards and am pursuing the quality that lifts the painting to a higher level of fine art. ( What all this says is I got over the resistance created by myself and did what was needed ).
As in all things that we do, you must stick with doing it right and as best as we can at that time. This is called learning. Some times it takes a bit more effort than others but is always well worth it. Practice, practice, practice, makes better happiness with in yourself.
Thank you for stopping by.
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