These are old but ... wait a minute! I was slipping into "accept me Please". Kiss my paint brush!
These are friends that I am not embarrassed of. Rule- never have doubt its all good. Right? Soooooo right!
Way to much coffee.
This is a fellow that came out one day. Laid back and country. Got to wonder though. There was a lot going on with this gentle man of the chair. Well it seems that smile was telling because a bit latter, Alice, his wife appeared. They are a couple. I like them. Makes me wonder about those country folk. Think they know a secret about living life. Thats a good thing.

This one is called the bride. A bit of steam punk. Not sure who she is marrying? Wait a minute yea I do. Unreal! I will find the sketch. "William is dressed to impress" I believe is the name. I did it sitting in a parking lot this year waiting on a Dr. appointment. Seems William impressed! Three years and I have the answer. I have always felt some what sad that she was alone and going through the motions of a marriage but there really was no one. Not no more. Now wheres William!
Last one for today is a piece that I did playing with chalk. Also used ink and acrylics. I actually saw the wings many years ago (30+) on an angle in a grave yard. they must have impressed me. The lady is a development from a picture I did about 15 years ago called "all angles aren't always nice". That one was about the ravages of AIDS. Very loose and impressionistic. so here she is proud and strong. Now if your going to have a guardian angle one that can kick but would be nice.

I'm off to find William and some others. Oh and that vampire.
Keep on smiling she said its all good.
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