Monday, August 27, 2012

Revisit of the Steam powered Time Machine

Well I finally have some decent pictures of the Steam Powered Time Machine and as mentioned in my Face Book page I also have several detail pictures of the same. It should be noted that the reconstruction has been slow and laborious and will continue as more information or parts are uncovered or recovered. There are also reports that there has been several other artifacts recovered. More on these as they are verified as actually belonging to the wreck site or Captain Bland. There is also a rumor of another expedition being mounted to the wreck site. Hmmmm. I will  keep you posted.
I am enclosing the original article just in case there are those of you that are not familiar with the true story.

 From an article published in the Air Heart Daily.

The Steam clock of Captain Mortimus B. Bland as recovered from the almost unreachable and precariously positioned wreck site of the air ship Demistictus. This clock was recovered during an expedition to the site where the Air ship Demistictus finally found it’s last mooring. Untimely and as unexpected as it was, it was not a fatal crash, as it probable could have been. The surviving crew‘s accounts of the last excruciatingly dire events all agree it was only with the actions of Captain Bland that the outcome was, well, ok.
Of course, as was reported, Captain Bland was not present to join in the relief of a safe landing. Unfortunately the Demistictus was completely destroyed and the Captain was never found. Which may not be a bad thing or a good thing, I’m not sure which. After all Captain Bland was not a Captain, as we later learned, or a Bland! And there are more than a few questions surrounding the cargo the  Demistictus was carrying on what was to be the last and fateful voyage and what of the extraordinary astronomical calamity that appeared to only be located in the immediate vicinity of…… You see why this artifact is so mysterious. Even the gentleman that supposedly assembled it is quite unavailable for comment.
What exactly was the function of what appears to be an ordinary steam powered clock that however includes many unclock- like features? And what of the eerie glow what emanated from the Captain’s cabin right before the crew heard the Captain bellow “ABANDON SHIP PLEASE!”. Although there was one fellow that swore what was said was “A BACON SANDWICH  PLEASE”. The crew to the last man and woman took the first interpretation to heart and scrambled over the side and dropped unceremoniously to the rough terrain below. Whether or not this course of action precipitated the coming events or if a bacon sandwich could have changed the outcome is still hotly debated. The outcome was really  quite a splendid meeting of airship and a rather large forbidding bit of granite. Splendid, in this case, meaning quite a site to see. Of course I’m sure that Captain Bland might have disagreed.  But we will never know now,  will we?
Captain Bland's Steam Powered Clock/Time Machine?

Detail of some of the Steam Clock Modifications on the left. 

Here you can see the steam boiler, Controls and valves and regulators.

Close up of the damage from the explosion and fire at the time of the wreck.

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