Well here is the painting formally known as " Stacey's". As I mentioned before, my daughter asked for a painting. When asked "what of ?" she replied what ever you want to do. Well the resulting painting is definitely my style. I planned this picture, as I often do ( read as: maybe, sometime, sure ) ( really do plan some paintings! ) and started blocking the painting in. All was well. I had sketched in the elements ( earlier blog ) and started on the face doing a value study of sorts. Then I filled in the jacket. When this was done I stepped back and I knew her name. Catherian. The spelling is hers. Her personality became evident right away. This was not a lady to be contradicted. Nice, yes, fair, yes, honest, yes, strong willed with her sights set on what she wanted!
The blue sky was now going to be green! I resisted this for about three days then decided ... "Green it will be and you will see you are wrong". Then the clouds which were supposed to be a light pastel morning pink be came mountains. As you can see I am always in total control of my paintings. ( read as: I quite often do not have a clue where they are going ). This can be distressing at times but quite often it brings out a very great joy. Glee would be a better word. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
I enjoy this about my art. I let it happen and it is great fun to watch it appear out the end of the brush. I'm a third party observer. ( I believe that is a definition for large worded disease of the mind ).
I'm still not extremely happy with whats on the canvas but I do know that Catherine will let me know what needs to be done and it will turn out Great!.
I mention all this because this is what happens when I create. This is how I frame and interpret my relation with the painting. It just is. The following may make all this easier to understand.
I drive an hour to work, one way, each day. That is about 500 hrs per year of sitting. During these times I could be solving all sorts of problems, I do not, ( 30 mim. per year ). Instead I weave stories. Like a book on tape but in my head. Some of these stories have been coming and going for years. Some of the caricatures have developed into old friends. One such person was Diane. (See earlier blog for her picture.) Her story includes a person that greatly influences her through out her life. Guess what! That's right it is Catherine! I did not realize this was who it was until after the sky was done. I was sitting there wondering what this lady was all about and where the painting was going. And then I knew. Unbelievable!!!! Now I understand!!!
The point of all this is to show how when the creating bug bites do not stand in it's way. It is so easy to try to figure out all the details, methods and procedures that it ends up very confusing and stops the creative process. Just let it be and watch where it takes you. they say we use only a small part of our brain. What do you think the rest is doing? Having fun of course!!! Follow it.
I have also decided to write down Diane's story to show up some where some time.
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