Dancing is also another theme that I enjoy. All my paintings are of people. Well most the time. Faces are my love. But dancing holds a special place. One, I can not dance!!! More than one person has drug me out to the dance floor saying such naive things as " it's simple anyone can dance". A few have attempted to even instruct me. They usually last about five minutes. All have never danced with me ever again. A few, I hear are still in therapy. Do I make myself clear? I can not dance. But I love watching dancers. I love the feel of the body in motion as it expresses the feelings of the moment. The paintings of the dancers are just that. I feel the elation and focus. the joy and the body bending, twisting or simple hopping in happiness.
The Dance of the Thunder Storm is 18" x 24" Acrylic. The second one is " Betty Boogies" 8" x 10" Acrylic.

Betty popped out one weekend when I wanted to try a new Golden Paints product. A slow dry acrylic. Just like oils the add said. Close kind of. I have worked in acrylics for years. Maybe I'm just use to them. I love oils but the different mediums have different pluses. I have worked years and years in a bunch of mediums. I am almost 60 and have been doing art forever. Starting with the cave walls in France. Well maybe not those cave walls. I love all COLOR!!!!!!
Any way, Betty just popped out and brought such joy to the day. She is having such a great time flying with the universe.
Just thought you would like to see The Dance of the Thunder Storm.
I enjoyed showing them both.
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