Saturday, November 21, 2009

And then there was Art

Well this is the beginning and in the beginning there was the word and the word was ART.
Like so many before me I am going to subject the world at large to the view from my much misunderstood perception of events.
It is not true, or it could be if one was to close their eye's, that I was born on a starry night. But it is true that at the first feeling there was the flow and swish of the bristles through all time into my soul. A yearning that has always been present to share that joy, beauty, feelings, thoughts, both good and bad and yes the excitement of elation beyond words that I found myself thrust into. Quite often tears were the results of all this as I became overwhelmed. Does beauty hurt? Quite often. Pain unmeasurable only sated when at last it would burst forth on to the page or canvas. Waking up and dashing RED on anything just because all the world required that at that moment. There was no waiting. Sleep then returned. Long I fought this need to express. After all society really considered this quite useless. I didn't listen.
So here I am today 59, still filled with this wonder of creating that I have had uneasy truces with, complete immersion and the most fantastic journey I could ever ask for.
My opening line to my wife to be was "I am an artist". Her response "I am to". Nine years latter, 3 married, we live in a world filled with life, love and all that art brings.
So now I step out! Hello world. Wait I have done this before in the way of shows, outside and inside, website, and stores but this is different. This time I shall present the road from my slightly different perspective.
Enjoy or not, maybe find that the atoms can exist in weird and wonderful ways.
Come on in at meet my friends.

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